Thursday, August 16, 2007


Henna. Interesting concept and complicated, all in all. Use this for ink. Use that. Stay away from the black ink. Mix it with lemon juice and or coffee. How long will it last? A week? A Day?

What I do know is that it takes a steady hand and it is a good idea to have a design concept before touching the paste to the skin.

Here is a recipe to try if you want to make your own henna paste:


• 2-3 tablespoons henna
• 1 cup of strong tea or coffee
• 4 tablespoons lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon sugar

Mix the henna powder, 2 tablespoons coffee or tea, lemon juice and sugar. Mix well adding your coffee or tea in small amounts until you get a mixture similar to the consistency of toothpaste. Set the mixture aside for several hours giving the dye time to activate. This mixture makes a lighter stain that last for about 2 weeks.

Apparently lemon triggers the dye to release and to make the paste flow better, olive oil may help.

Recipe and tips provided by

The design for the henna work on my leg was inspired by Hindu designs.

Numbers 2-10 are still available for this print. Each print is currently $50 each (add $6.65 for shipping and handling, and 9.25% for sales tax if you are in Tennessee).

Edition Number:

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